Web Element Operations

Web Element Operations


Once we identify elements using a suitable locator/selector strategy , we will need to interact with the elements. For a text field – set text, for a checkbox – check, select list – select an option and so on.

The api’s/methods we will be using depends on the type of WebElement we interact with. For example, we can sendKeys() to a text field, click() on a link etc. In ths section, we will interact with a web form having different kinds of html elements (text box, radio, checkbox, select etc.). Some of the common web element operations are as follows:

  • sendKeys()
  • click()
  • selectByVisibleText()
  • selectByValue()
  • getAttribute()
  • …Many more


  1. You have completed the section “Set up Env” and have your environment ready with JDK, maven and Eclipse (+plugins)
  2. You have read and understood HTML DOM
  3. You were able to comprehend “Find Element Strategies” post
  4. You downloaded the project code base for class3 under – https://github.com/machzqcq/CucumberJVMExamples and imported into Eclipse and the structure should look as below


If you are using intellij [which I would recommend over Eclipse], then imported project should look as below



  • We use sendKeys() method and send any string we want to set inside the text field
  • We use click() to click on a link or button or any WebElement
  • Select is a type in itself, hence we wrap a WebElement into a Select type and then select its options using selectByVisibleText and pass the option text to it.

Scenario Outline:

If we need to execute a set of cucumber steps with different data sets, we can use scenario outline. We will talk in detail about scenario outline again in “Intermediate Tutorial”, however I thought to include a scenario here, because it is applicable on a form that we will use in this section.


There will be situations where we might have to key in fake data into fields. In this section we will use a library Faker that will key in random data. In the pom.xml, include the below dependency.

Scenario 1

In this scenario, we fill the form on “http://www.practiceselenium.com/practice-form.html” with values and then submit the form. We call the scenario “Complete registration form


Scenario 2 (Data Table)

In this scenario, we fill the form on “http://www.practiceselenium.com/practice-form.html” with various data sets supplied as a data table. This is extremely powerful for data-driven framework and we will examine more in Intermediate tutorial.


Scenario 3 (Fake data)

In this scenario, we fill the form on “http://www.practiceselenium.com/practice-form.html” with fake data generated by Faker a library that can generate random data.



Execution Output

IntelliJ Execution (how to execute is explained in previous post)


If you executed SubmitForm.feature from eclipse plugin, then it should look similar to the below

Eclipse Execution


Command Line Execution

If you execute “mvn test” from command line, then the output should be similar to the below


CI Server

